Vol. 18 No. 1: December (2024)

Editor's Choice
Waqad Ul Mulk, Abd Rashid Abd Aziz, Mhadi A. Ismael, Asghar Ali Ghoto
Performance Analysis of a Dual-Generation of Energy Using Hybrid Wind-Solar System
An Investigation into the Potential Capabilities of a YSZ-SDCC Composite Electrolyte for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Design and Implementation of a Smart Solar Tracker using Arduino for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Experimental Study of Novel Linear Compressor in Refrigeration System
Estimation of Outlet Water Temperature of a Cooling Tower Based on Weather Data in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Effect of Coolant Concentration Ratio on Surface Roughness in Machining Aluminium 6061: A Case Study
Diesel and Oxyhydrogen Dual-Fuel: Reducing Emissions of a Diesel Engine using Diesel-Oxyhydrogen Dual Fuel Combustion
Effects of Temperature and Agitation on the Kinetics of Vegetable Oil Adsorption onto Kapok Fiber