Vol. 8 No. 1: September (2017)
The Linkage between Human Resource Development Intervention and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview and Research Agenda
Impact of Compensation and Benefits on Executives’ Performance: A Study in Malaysian Manufacturing Industry
A Study Relationship Work Environment and Employee Performance on Manufacturing Sector in Penang, Malaysia
Transformation from Cooperative to a Bank: An Analysis of Koperasi Tentera in Malaysia
Ketegasan Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir Al-Mandili di atas Prinsip Agama: Kajian kitab ‘Perisai bagi Sekalian Mukallaf’ The Firmness of Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir Al-Mandili in Islamic Principle: A Study in ‘Perisai bagi Sekalian Mukallaf’
Wali Allah, antara Fakta dan Mitos: Satu Kajian menurut Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir Al-Mandili Saint of Allah, Fact or Myth: A Study According to Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir Al-Mandili
What are You?
Preliminary Review of Implementation Mentoring Program among Students in Public University in Kota Kinabalu
Students’ Perception on Disciplinary Measures in Public Secondary Schools in Kedah, Malaysia: A Case Study
Community Experiences at the Aftermath of Flood Disaster based on Cultural Context