Vol. 3 No. 1: June (2016)
Tourist Satisfaction in Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Greening Economy and Governance in Malaysia
Impact of Capital Investment on Working Capital Management
Capital Structure and Performance of Malaysia Plantation Sector
The Role of Teacher Training Institutions in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nigeria
Empirical Evidence on the SMEs Risks Framework in Malaysia
A Study on the Mediating Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction among Paramedical Staff
Comparison of Depression between Remanded and Sentenced Inmates
Kesediaan Guru Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Rendah di Selangor terhadap Penerapan KBAT dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Readiness of Islamic Education Teacher in Selangor’s Primary School in the Implementation of KBAT in Teaching and Learning