Vol. 11 No. 1: June (2018)
Pelaksanaan Program Amali Solat dalam Perkara Asas Fardu Ain (PAFA) dalam Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Dua The Implementation of Practical Prayer (Solat) Program in Perkara Asas Fardhu Ain (PAFA) among Form Two Student
The Influence of Psychosocial Learning Environment on HOTS in Statistic Education
Transformasi ke Arah Konsep Kolej Kediaman Lestari di Universiti Awam Malaysia Transformation to the Sustainable Living College Concept at Public University Malaysia
The Multi Facets Meaning of Competence among Muslim Professionals in Malaysia
User Requirement Analysis: Online Thalassemia Management System for Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Malaysia
Impact of Attachment Styles on Social Isolation and Impulsiveness among Patients with Gender Dysphoria
Leaders’ Animosity and Leaders’ Enviousness: An Analysis on Factor Associated with the Growing Tense Ethnic Relations in Sabah, Malaysia
Faktor-Faktor Kejayaan Usahawan Ikon Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) Success Factors of Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) Icon Entrepreneur
A Comprehensive Literature Review of Impulse Buying Behavior
Multidisciplinary Medical Team Development among Medical Students through Role Assignment during Simulation Based Teaching Scenarios; A Randomized, Single Blind Study
Impact of Simulation Based “Death Scenarios” in Teaching Undergraduate Medical Students about Multidisciplinary Team Function in Patient Care
Demonstration of Ability to Teach and Assess Life Saving Skills by First Year Medical and Dental Students Using Peyton’s Four Steps; A Randomized, Single Blind, Controlled Educational Trial in Skills’ Lab
The Effect of Livelihood Assets on Food Security Achievements among the Coastal Fishermen in Northern Peninsular Malaysia
Kualiti Perkahwinan, Keutuhan Keluarga dan Pencapaian Anak di Sarawak Marital Quality, Family Strength and Child Achievement in Sarawak