Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Based on Plant Extract for Nanofluid-based Hybrid Photovoltaic System Application
Gold nanoparticles, green synthesis, plant extract, solar energy harvestingAbstract
Green synthesis technique has overcome the limitation of chemical and physical methods including cost, usage of toxic chemicals and hazardous by-products. Gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) synthesized using green synthesis method have received great interest due to the physicochemical characteristics and their application in various fields. This review paper has reviewed the capability of various parts of the plant in order to act as green reducing agent to cap gold source to Au-NPs. This includes the root/rhizomes, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits and fruits peel. All previous works have successfully synthesized Au-NPs in nano-range and even with smaller size up to ~10 nm. Finally, this review paper has review current progress of nanofluid-based hybrid photovoltaic-system that used Au-NPs in the nanofluid due to their high surface plasmon resonance.