Biodegradable Polymers for Packaging : A Bibliometric Overview of the Publication in Web of Science in Year 2012-2021
Biodegradable packaging, polymers, mechanical properties, bibliometric analysisAbstract
This is a bibliometric analysis study of biodegradable and packaging by studying the documents related to biodegradable field.The use of polymer packaging increased due to its several desired properties such as softness , lightness ans transparency. However , the non biodegradability of polymer packaging only led to a serious ecological problems.Although complete replacement of polymer packaging with biodegradable packaging is quite impossible , still production of biodegradable packaging will reduce the need for synthetic polymer packaging.A lot of studies has been done regarding to the biodegradable and packaging started to attract people from various counties such as China , India and USA. An analysts has been done in this paper by extracting data from WOS database and visualise through VOSviewer to study the collaboration network, topics of interest and impact of publications. Findings reveals that the collaboration work is strong between China and USA as both countries are successful in scientific knowledge technology. This study expected to have an impact for future environment on biodegradable and packaging field.