Green Synthesis of Sodium Alginate Mediated Fluorapatite Nanoparticle via Sol-Gel Method
Green synthesis, fluorapatite, hydroxyapatite, sol-gel, sodium alginateAbstract
Fluorapatite (FA) can be used as a bioactive substance in the body, especially the teeth implants. The FA nanoparticle was synthesized by adding the fluorine to the structure of HA using sol–gel method and the heat treatment of 700 °C. Being low costs, eco-friendly and safer features are obvious advantages of the green synthesis of FA nanoparticles by using bio stabilizer of sodium alginate. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium fluoride were used as precursors of Ca, P and F respectively with the ratio of 1:67 Ca/P. The presence of crystal structure of HA and FA investigated by the results of XRD which confirmed the substitution of hydroxyl groups with the fluorine in the crystal structure of apatite. FTIR obtained that fluorine was substituted by hydroxyl groups in the structure of fluoridated hydroxyapatite by disappearing the hydroxyl groups at 3600 cm-1 in the FA. TGA investigated the thermal stability of the nanoparticles that showed the discrepancy of weight loss for HA and FA between 600?C to 800?C. By using TEM, average sizes of 35 and 49 nm were determined for HA and FA respectively. FESEM results confirmed the shapes and distribution of particles of HA and FA in that, round like for the former and rode like for the later. The overall performance of utilizing sodium alginate (SA) as a bio-stabilizer is to obtain better precipitate which leads to having better crystallinity and smaller particle size and thermal stability remarkably improved.
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