A Study on Online Learning for UTHM Students
Online learning, factors, attitudes, COVID-19Abstract
Online meetings are arguably the most widely used method since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the world among office workers to do such as meetings and because of students may face several challenges throughout the e-learning process held. The main objective of this research is to explore the factors that affect students’ satisfaction regarding the online classes. All the 100 respondents from UTHM Pagoh students were taken as representing the population set in UTHM Pagoh students. This research is qualitative data and were analysed by using IBM SPPS Statistic to find the mean, standard deviation, percentage, and frequency with the data collected consists of four sections which are demographic info, the factors, the students’ attitudes, and the ways to make online learning more interesting with five questions each section. The results revealed that, the factor that most contribute to student dissatisfaction in online learning is the problem of networks with 4.16 as the mean. Most students' attitude towards online learning is their lack of interest and involvement during classes with 3.69 as the mean and 4.43 mean for the way to make online classes more interesting is with lecturers can use some creative tools to teach.