Persepsi Pelajar terhadap Penggunaan Alat Bantu Mengajar Sifir Pita Ukur dalam Membantu Kemahiran Membaca Tali Pita Ukur
Students' Perceptions towards the use of Teaching Tools Tape Measurement in Helping the Skills of Reading Tape Measure Strings
Sijil Fesyen & Pakaian, Alat Bantu Mengajar, Pola Asas Pakaian, Tali Pita Ukur, Fashion & Clothing Certificate, Teaching Aids, Basic Clothing Patterns, Tape MeasureAbstract
Mahir dalam membaca tali pita ukur merupakan perkara asas yang wajib dikuasai oleh pelajar dalam program Sijil Fesyen dan Pakaian Kolej Komuniti Temerloh. Justeru itu, kajian yang dibuat adalah untuk meninjau sejauh mana penggunaan Alat Bantu Mengajar (ABM) sifir pita ukur membantu pelajar dan pendidik di dalam kursus Pola Asas Pakaian. Responden kajian adalah terdiri daripada pelajar semester 1 dan 2 dari beberapa sesi ambilan iaitu Sesi Jun 2020, Sesi I 2021/2022 dan Sesi II 2021/2022. Penyelidik telah memilih kaedah tinjauan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Data-data yang dikumpul melalui soal selidik telah diedarkan dan dikutip dari responden. Data-data ini diproses dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) versi 27 dan dinyatakan dalam bentuk peratusan dan kekerapan. Kajian ini mendapati alat bantu mengajar memainkan peranan penting terhadap proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran kepada pelajar di dalam Pola Asas Pakaian dimana sifir pita ukur yang dikaji adalah terdiri daripada bacaan nilai nilai hun pada tali pita ukur yang diolah tali pita ukur kepada papan pita ukur bersaiz A3. Secara keseluruhannya penggunaan sifir pita ukur dapat memberikan gambara dan proses jalan kerja yang mudah dalam membantu pelajar memahami proses pengajaran dan dapat memabantu pelajar agar proses pengajaran dan pembalajaran mencapai matlamatnya.
Proficiency in reading a tape measure is a basic thing that must be mastered by students in the Temerloh Community College Fashion and Clothing Certificate program. Therefore, the research is done to review the extent to which the use of the Teaching Aid measuring tape code helps students and educators in the Basic Patterns of Clothing course. The study respondents consisted of semester 1 and 2 students from several intake sessions, namely Session June 2020, Session I 2021/2022 and Session II 2021/2022. The researcher has chosen a survey method using a questionnaire as a research instrument. The data collected through the questionnaire was distributed and collected from the respondents. These data were processed and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) version 27 and expressed in the form of percentage and frequency. This study found that teaching aids play an important role in the learning and teaching process for students in the Basic Pattern of Clothing where the measuring tape code that is studied consists of reading the value of the hun value on the tape measure string which is processed by the tape measure string to the A3 size tape measure board. Overall, the use of tape measure ciphers can provide an easy picture and work process in helping students understand the teaching process and can help students so that the teaching and learning process achieves its goals.