The Designing Gameplay of Spiritual Journey Augmented Reality Board Game to Enhance User Motivation


  • Irma Shayana Samaden Faculty Informatic and Computing, Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA), 22200 Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Ibrahim Ahmad Faculty of Information and Communication, Technical University of Malaysia Malacca (UTeM), 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
  • Sazilah Salam Faculty of Information and Communication, Technical University of Malaysia Malacca (UTeM), 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Edzwan Zahri Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Technology MARA University (UiTM), 23000 Dungun, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Heru Astikasari Setya Murti Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50711, Indonesia



Game design, augmented reality board game, Quranic verses, intrinsic motivation, student engagement


Games and augmented reality (AR) are among the technologies that are now gaining a place in the hearts of users, using the latest user interaction (UI) and capable of providing an interactive and extensive learning environment, this is proven by the increasing number of studies. Previous studies have shown that these two technologies can improve and motivate students and make the learning process more unique and fun. However, user acceptance of interface design augmented reality board games (ARBG), features and interface elements that can increase player motivation is still underexplored and its development model is diversified. Therefore, in order to realize the objective, the use of verses from the Qur'an that have been selected and screened that contain motivational verses have been adapted into this ARBG. The statement was confirmed as a result of our initial investigation through a previous study which revealed that there is still no study using Al-Quran Verses as a medium in ARBG, especially in increasing user motivation. In order to realize the goal, the use of the U2SIC Model, the combined results (UTAUT model, usability model and intrinsic model) have been used as a guideline. Therefore, a total of 100 University Sultan Zainal Abidin student respondents were selected and asked to do a post-test evaluation of our ARBG Spiritual Journey prototype. Where, this ARBG Spiritual Journey is a board game that requires players to identify and match visual images with the translation of Al-Quran verses that have been categorized into 3 fractions namely caution, prayer and alert. Therefore, in order to give space to players to further increase their intrinsic motivation, this ARBG was developed without having time and score records. Therefore, it is hoped that the combination of ARBG technology that applies the verses of the Qur'an will be a source of inspiration, a spark of ideas, able to attract students' interest, improve the identity of users, motivate and further inspire researchers to explore more areas of technology along with the Qur'an in future.


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How to Cite

Samaden, I. S. ., Ahmad, I. ., Salam, S. ., Zahri, M. E., & Murti, H. A. S. . (2025). The Designing Gameplay of Spiritual Journey Augmented Reality Board Game to Enhance User Motivation. Journal of Advanced Research Design, 125(1), 53–67.
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