The Appraisal of Fire Active System for Low-Cost High Rise Residential Building in Penang, Malaysia


  • Naziah Muhamad Salleh School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia
  • Nurul Balqis Natasha Mohd Zaini School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia



Fire active system; , low cost; , high rise residential


Fire incidents occur in low-cost areas of residential buildings are increasing. The incidents involves life, this property will affect the residents. In addition, this study aims to evaluate management practices and compliance with safety standards in high-rise low-cost residential buildings in Penang. The objective of this paper is to assess the condition of active fire systems in low-cost high-rise buildings to comply with the standard and the law. Recommendation improvements in the fire safety aspects of low-cost residential buildings in Penang are implemented too. This research observation, fire safety audit checklist and interviews in the field. This finding emphasizes that every building's active fire system is 75 % is not working well and not maintained and some even do not follow the prescribed laws. This paper reposes to improve the active fire system, routine inspection and maintenance of the fire safety system, regular training and safety education for residents, installation of smart fire alarm systems, use of the latest technology and cooperation with the authorities to ensure compliance with regulations.



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How to Cite

Salleh, N. M. ., & Mohd Zaini, N. B. N. . (2024). The Appraisal of Fire Active System for Low-Cost High Rise Residential Building in Penang, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research Design, 117(1), 44–56.
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