Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Worship Centres using Maximum Location Model in Part of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
Facilities, Geographic Information System (GIS), location, residential area, services area, spatial analysis and wardsAbstract
The research uses the Maxisum Location Model to determining optimal location of existing worship centres in part of Minna Metropolis with the primary goal of locate p facilities such that the total demand-weighted distance between demand nodes and the facilities to which they are assigned is maximized (i.e. This model was adopted to solve the problem of noise generated from the sound-speaker) used by these worship centres during their services to the nearest neighborhood using 500meters as a distance factor. Since there are no restricted rules governing siting of worship centres it may not be located everywhere optimally, therefore, more areas were affected when a distance less than 500meters criteria was used while some areas are farther from the noise based on their location at optimal distance of 500meters and above. Spatial analysis was carried out on the sufficiency or otherwise of churches and mosques
within the study area. Multi-criteria queries were carried out and results revealed that some worship centers need to be relocated because the area they were are too congested and also generate more noise to the environment through sound-speaker used. Recommendations were made to predict future deficiencies if relevant government agencies fail to provide more rules and regulations in siting of worship centers as the population increases.