Quality-of-Experience Modeling in High-Density Wireless Network
HDWN, QoS, QoE, FISAbstract
With the rapid evolution of smart devices, ease of availability and accessibility of Internet application services, the demand of user's level of satisfaction are constantly growing. This creates challenges when mobile users in large quantity gather at confine places creating a scenario of highdensity wireless network environment (HDWN). Guaranteeing high quality of services (QoS) without proper understanding of user’s expectations and their Quality of Experience (QoE) may lead to over provisioning of resources. This poses different challenges to network service providers. Moreover, limited studies have been found relating to QoE in dense network. The objective of this paper is to develop mapping mechanism that maps QoS parameters onto QoE metrics in HDWN. This paper proposes fuzzy-genetic algorithm to map QoS-QoE based on the critical comparative analysis of different mechanisms. Preliminary analysis had been done based on mathematical model to establish the correlation between QoS parameters (delay and jitter) and QoE metrics (satisfaction) to determine the maximum and minimum impairment threshold. Further, the correlation between QoS-QoE had been evaluated with varying traffic load to determine the traffic load impact on QoE. Also the load threshold was found, that would help the network providers to take proper measure to maintain user’s satisfaction as the maximum threshold limit is reached.