Electronic Service Quality of Malaysia Airline Industries (Low Cost Carrier)
Electronic Service Quality, e-S-Qual, Perceived Service SatisfactionAbstract
This research was perform to examine the dimension electronic service quality of Malaysia airline industries (low cost carrier) and the impact on customers perceived service satisfaction. This research employed convenience sampling procedure and questionnaire as method to gain data, 392 completed questionnaires were gathered from Malaysia airline industries (low cost carrier) website users. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis performed and indicated that five dimensions such as fulfilment, system availability, efficiency, site privacy and aesthetic and customizations were applicable to measure Malaysia airline industries (low cost carrier) e-SQ. The regression analysis performed showed that e-SQ dimensionfulfilment, system availability, efficiency, site privacy and aesthetic and customizations have a significant positive relationship exist between e-SQ dimension and perceived service satisfaction in the Malaysia airline industries (low cost carrier) website user. Future research recommendations to discuss on impact dimension of e-SQ regarding to recovery issue such as compensation, responsiveness and contact on customers perceived satisfaction in Malaysia airline industries (low cost carrier).