Progress in Energy and Environment - ProGEE (ISSN Online: 2600-7762) a peer-reviewed journal that publishes open access scholarly articles related to all fields of energy and environmental engineering. The journal is devoted to become a communication platform between researchers to address current issues in the development of green energy and sustainability. The journal accepts research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications. Please refer to Aims and Scope for more details.
Volume 1 (June 2017)
Article in this issue:
Governing Equations in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Derivations and A Recent Review | W.Y. Tey et al.
Antitumoral Properties of Xanthones from Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.) Hull | C.Y. Cheok et al.
Numerical Analysis of Point Absorber for Wave Energy Conversion in Malaysian Seas | H.S. Kang et al.
Principal Component Analysis on Meteorological Data in UTM KL | L.K. Tan et al.
Potential of Banana Peels as Bio-Flocculant for Water Clarification | K.H. Chong et al.