Social Impact Assessment in Measuring Environmental Sustainability in Tourism Project Development: Trends in the Existing Literature


  • Nabiha Mohd Khusairy Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
  • Hairul Nizam Ismail Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia


Social impact assessment, Environmental sustainability and community, Tourist arrival


In development planning, there is an urgent call on the preparation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in order to measure the sustainability of the proposed new development and its surroundings, mainly the community affected by the result of environmental and physical changes. However, issues arise as to how certain development projects such as tourism, which allow visitors and tourists arrival, will cope with the future carrying capacity. There is evidence that current approach on the SIA is not able to provide detail on the implication of development especially associated with tourism activities and its influence to the environment and its living community. This paper will examine the debate on what are the attributes of environmental sustainability relevant to tourist demand and its specific measurement. The understanding is important as a guidance to the physical development where the development must comply with the national agenda and Sustainable Development Goal (SGD). The result of the review is expected to provide a perspective of the key attributes in self-regulation of any approval projects and currently in progress. While the knowledge of environmental science provides a good projection on physical aspects and appropriate green technology, this paper on the other hand, gives an insight on social impact related to the physical development from a sustainable built environment point of view.




How to Cite

Nabiha Mohd Khusairy, & Hairul Nizam Ismail. (2022). Social Impact Assessment in Measuring Environmental Sustainability in Tourism Project Development: Trends in the Existing Literature. Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation Management, 3(1), 11–15. Retrieved from
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