The Design of Student Worksheet based on RME to Improve Student’ Mathematical Communication Skills
Students worksheet, mathematical communication skills, RMEAbstract
Mathematical communication is one of the abilities that must be possessed by students in the 21st century. Worksheets Students who have not integrated mathematical communication skills will inhibit the achievement of learning objectives. RME is one approach that teachers can use to develop mathematical communication skills. This study aims to design Worksheets Mathematical students with RME approach to improve mathematical communication skills. This research is ADDIE type development research. The procedure of this study includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research is limited to the design stage. The subject of this study consisted of teachers and students of the Muhammadiyah Kalasan Yogyakarta Middle School in Indonesia. The instrument of data collection includes observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and documentation sheets. Observation guidelines are used to look at the mathematical communication characteristics of students. The interview guide is used to determine the need for teaching materials from the teacher. A documentation sheet is used to obtain curriculum implementation data that apply in the school. Qualitative-quantitative techniques analyzed data. This study resulted in the design of Student Worksheets with an approach to RME that suited students' needs. This student worksheet is designed to improve students' mathematical communication skills. The validation results of the Student Worksheet design obtain an average value of 4.3 so that it is declared valid and can proceed to the next stage.