Saranan untuk Industri Perfileman Malaysia ke Arah Transformasi Persepsi Penonton Berdasarkan Kajian Kes di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Recommendations for Malaysia’s Film Industry towards Transformation of Audience Perceptions Based on A Case Study in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Industri perfileman, transformasi social, Regresi Logistik Multinomial (MLR), faktor bererti, pengubahsuaian lapan kriteria pemilihan (M8SC), model terbaik, kategoriAbstract
Industri perfileman memainkan peranan penting dalam menyumbang kepada pendapatan negara yang memerlukan satu transformasi sosial dilakukan untuk keluar daripada zon selesa dengan melihat jauh kehadapan bagi mengatasi saingan dan lambakan filem dari luar negara. Ini seiring dengan arus perkembangan era globalisasi serta penghasilan pelbagai teknologi canggih cinematografi masa kini. Semua pihak khasnya para penerbit filem dan pihak berwajib memainkan peranan penting demi kemajuan filem tempatan termasuklah sumbangan masyarakat dalam memberi sokongan kepada filem tempatan khususnya. Kajian ini cuba merungkai faktor bererti dari segi persepsi masyarakat khususnya di Sabah yang mendorong mereka ke pawagam untuk menonton wayang tempatan dengan menggunakan pendekatan permodelan matematik model regresi logistik Multinomial (MLR). Proses-proses untuk mendapatkan faktor yang bererti melibatkan pembersihan data, faktor analisis, penjelmaan patung dan kaedah empat fasa pembentukan model, dimana model terbaik tanpa interaksi diperolehi menggunakan kaedah pengubahsuaian lapan kriteria pemilihan (M8SC). Hasil kajian menunjukkan model terbaik keseluruhan untuk masing–masing kategori mengandungi faktor– faktor yang bererti kepada transformasi persepsi penonton yang meningkatkan kekerapan penonton ke pawagam. Justeru, kajian seperti ini berpotensi membantu pembuat dan penerbit filem memahami citarasa penonton masa kini, dan menjadi landasan untuk satu transformasi sosial dilakukan kepada penonton untuk sama-sama membangunkan industri perfileman negara kita.
The film industry has played an important role in contributing to the national income, thus it requires a social transformation to be done so as to exit from its comfort zone. Orientated by moving forward in beating their competitors, would result in the dumping of foreign films. This is also in line with the development evolved in the era of globalization, such as the production of various advanced technologies of cinematography. All parties, especially the film publishers and related authorities thus play an important role for the development of local films, besides contribution from the community in supporting these local films in particular. This study attempts to unravel significant factors in terms of public perception, especially in Sabah that drive audiences to the local cinemas to watch movies using a mathematical modeling approach, namely, the Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR). The processes in obtaining the significant factors would involve data cleaning, factor analysis, dummy conversion and the four-phase model-building procedures, of which the best model without interactions obtained is based on the modified eight selection criteria (M8SC). The results show that the best model for each category contains significant factors in transforming the audience's perception, thus increasing the frequency of audiences to the cinemas. Hence, this type of studies can potentially assist film makers and producers to understand the tastes of the audience, and become the basis for social transformation to be made in order to help in the development of the national film industry.