Enhancing Biogas Yield through Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Animal Manure and Seaweed
Animal manures, Seaweed, Co-digestion, Biogas yield, Mesophilic temperatureAbstract
By 2050, it is predicted that there will be 9.8 billion people on the planet. The world's population is expanding, which creates an immediate energy demand, the majority of which is now provided by fossil fuels. Researchers are becoming more interested in seaweeds because they offer a sustainable and viable feedstock for the manufacture of biofuels. They are a good alternative energy source to fossil fuels because of their readily fermentable composition, high availability, and good degradation potential. The current work focuses on the co-digestion of animal manures with Sargassum spp., namely goat, pig, cow, and chicken manures. The study was conducted under mesophilic temperature conditions, i.e., +/- 37°C at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 25 days. The findings were presented in terms of daily, cumulative, and total biogas production. From the biogas yield results obtained, it is apparent that the co-digestion of goat, pig, cow, and chicken manures with Sargassum spp. produced an improved biogas yield, unlike the substrates of sole digestion. Besides, the maximum total cumulative biogas yield of 3.51 m3 was obtained with co-digestion of chicken manure and Sargassum spp., while the least total cumulative biogas yield of 2.68 m3 was achieved with co-digestion of goat manure and Sargassum spp. Also, an optimum biogas yield was achieved with a mesophilic temperature of 37°C and the lowest biogas yield with a mesophilic temperature of 31°C.
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