Full Factorial Design: Optimization for Nanogel Formation
Full Factorial Design, Optimization, Nanogel, DMAEMAAbstract
The Design of Experiments, DoE, is a set of applied statistics tools for systematically classifying and quantifying cause and effect relationships between variables and outputs in the studied process, which may lead to the discovery of the settings and conditions under which the process becomes optimized. By investigating multiple combinations of factor levels simultaneously, Full Factorial Design can reduce the number of experiments required. The concentration of nanogels in a solution is proportional to the intensity of photon scattering rates. As a result, the condition that produces the higher count rate value is preferable. This study employs a Full Factorial Design to determine the optimal irradiation dosage and DMAEMA concentration for P(NIPAAM-PVP-PEGDA-DMAEMA) nanogels.