Design Optimization of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine
wind turbine, diffuser, CFD, parametric study, simplex algorithm, optimal shapeAbstract
The wind turbine power decreases at low wind speed. A flanged diffuser plays a role of a device for collecting and accelerating the approaching wind, and thus the optimization of the diffuser shape presents an important way to enhance the wind turbine power. In this work, a numerical parametric study was conducted on the diffuser to obtain the initial optimum form of flanged diffuser. Then, the Simplex algorithm is used to obtain the optimal diffuser shape starting from the obtained initial shape. Finally, the obtained optimum diffuser shape is used with conventional wind turbine blade. The diffuser shape is defined by four variables: open angle, flange height, centerbody length, and flange angle. The numerical simulation of flanged diffuser is carried out using the “CFDRC package. The results indicated that, the optimum diffuser shape can be obtained using simplex algorithm which maximizes the entrance average velocity to reach 1.77 times wind speed. The power augmented by a factor about 2.76:5.26 of a selected small wind turbine using the obtained diffuser shape compared to that without diffuser.
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