Lift-to-Drag Ratio of the Application of Hydrofoil With Variation Mounted Position on High-Speed Patrol Vessel
Hydrofoil, patrol vessel, lift-to-drag ratioAbstract
The hydrofoil is one of the hydrodynamic support technologies for marine vehicles that provide a high performance and are feasible to operate. The mounting position of hydrofoils on the hull is one of the keys to improving the hydrodynamic performance, where the existing academic literature to find the optimum position of hydrodynamic is still deficient. The objective of this study is to compare the mounting locations of hydrofoil in the horizontal axis in a high-speed patrol vessel. The comparison result is based on the computational fluid dynamics where the basic model was validated using experimental data. Three mounting location cases of hydrofoils were performed i.e. middle section, stern section, and behind the stern. The result shows that the optimal hydrofoil mounting position is after the transom. In this position, the value of the lift-to-drag ratio is higher by an average of 10% - 29% compared to other positions depending on the speed of the ship.
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