Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Rigs-to-Reefs (R2R) Jacket Structures
Rigs-to-reefs, artificial reef, CFD simulation, upwelling, back eddyAbstract
Platform decommissioning activities have been increasing due to unproductive fields and unstable oil prices. One of the decommissioning methods used by the oil and gas companies is by converting the platform into an artificial reef through the rigs-to-reef (R2R) programme. The programme benefits the marine life and increases the marine productions. In this study, the dynamic responses and flow characteristics of jacket platforms were investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. Three jacket structures with different sizes were used to investigate the suitability of the structure as a potential artificial reef. The pressure exerted on the structure as well as the back eddies and upwelling phenomenon were also investigated. This is to ensure the settlement of the coral larvae and attract marine life to inhabit around the artificial reef. The results show that the platform size and configurations are the significant criteria to design any artificial reef. The pressure on the jacket member is in the acceptable range. Higher efficiency index of back eddy and upwelling could also be obtained by smaller jacket structures.
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