Simulation of Combustion Process of Diesel and Ethanol Fuel in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Engine
Combustion characteristics, emissions, engine speed, injection timing, fuel reactivityAbstract
Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine give advantages over conventional diesel engine with the promising engine power and good control on NOx and soot emission. The trend of the RCCI concept is still new and Is very important to control the ignition in order to control the combustion progress and emission. The objective of this study is to provide data on the combustion characteristics and emission of diesel as high reactive, and ethanol as the low reactive fuel in the RCCI engine. The engine speed and injection timing were varied. Simulation work was conducted by using the Converge CFD software based on the Yanmar TF90 diesel engine parameter. Results show that operating the engine at low speed resulting in better engine performance and low carbon emissions due to the sufficient oxygen contents. For the high-speed engine, advancing the injection timing improves the fuel and air reactivity and steeper the equivalence ratio gradient, which result in a complete combustion process.
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