Students’ Perception towards Virtual Learning Implementation at Universiti Tenaga Nasional


  • J. E. Jamaluddin Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering College of Engineering Teaching and Learning Centre Universiti Tenaga Nasional Selangor, Malaysia
  • A. Anuar Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Teaching and Learning Centre Universiti Tenaga Nasional Selangor, Malaysia
  • T. J. I. A. Aziz Department of Informatics College of Computing and Informatics Digital Learning Centre Universiti Tenaga Nasional Selangor, Malaysia


Virtual learning, Perception, Education


Education is one of the most impacted areas through the COVID-19 pandemic with students who are unsafe being in the same shared space during face-to-face class sessions. In response to the Malaysian government's closure of schools and higher learning institutions, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) decided to continue the semester implementing virtual learning. This study focuses on the virtual learning implementation issues and investigates them further during the pandemic to understand the students’ perception and satisfaction better.  Data are collected from both undergraduate and postgraduate students and analysed for virtual learning implementation and overall perception. The questionnaire comprises two main categories on virtual learning which are virtual learning implementation and overall thoughts on the current implementation.  A positive trend is observed in the number of respondents who agree and are satisfied with their virtual learning experiences. The findings from the study are pivotal in determining the university’s policy in virtual teaching and learning.


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Author Biography

J. E. Jamaluddin, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering College of Engineering Teaching and Learning Centre Universiti Tenaga Nasional Selangor, Malaysia




How to Cite

J. E. Jamaluddin, A. Anuar, & T. J. I. A. Aziz. (2024). Students’ Perception towards Virtual Learning Implementation at Universiti Tenaga Nasional. Journal of Advanced Research in Computing and Applications, 19(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
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