Performance Evaluation of VANET QoS in Presence of Timing Attack and Sinkhole Attack Using OMNeT++
VANET, Security, Timing attack, Sinkhole attack, OMNeT .Abstract
The growth in research advancement of vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) has seen a significant rise in the security attack. In this paper we gives the simulation for quantitative investigate of VANET in presence of Timing attack and Sinkhole attack. We described the performance metrics and discover the effect and harm caused by Timing attack and Sinkhole attack, which directly affect the network Quality of Service (QoS). Our assessment results shows that the impact on VANET under Timing attack and Sinkhole attack varies potentially depending on number of vehicles, number of attacker vehicles. The impact of a Timing attack and Sinkhole attack increased significantly by increasing the number of attacker vehicles in several of the situations. While the number of attacks impact level continually effect on network performance with varying the number of vehicles. It has been perceived that in presence of Timing attack delay is increased approximately 80%. On the other hand, in presence of Sinkhole attack delay is increased approximately 72%. It implied that these attacks are harmful for network life and stand against safety application in VANET.