Design and Simulation of New One Time Pad (OTP) Stream Cipher Encryption Algorithm


  • Mohammed Nabil Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport Cairo, Egypt
  • Mohamed Helmy Megahed Canadian International College, Cairo, Egypt
  • Mohamed Hassan Abdel Azeem Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport Cairo, Egypt


One Time Pad (OTP), unpredictability, Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)


One Time Pad (OTP) is unconditionally secure cryptosystem. The one time pad is a long sequence of random bits. These bits are combined with the plaintext message to produce the ciphertext. One time pad key should be used only once. OTP is the only encryption algorithm that has been proven to be unbreakable. In this paper, the design, design principals, analysis and simulation of new OTP stream cipher algorithm is introduced based on the unpredictability concept which was introduced earlier. The unpredictability concept is based on the randomness of the used encryption algorithm where instead of using one encryption algorithm to secure data, multiple encryption algorithms are used at the same time. Also, instead of using one input, multiple inputs are used at the same time. Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) is used to choose which input entered the selected encryption algorithm. The Linear Complexity (LC) for the designed algorithm is measured on 1 Tera Bytes where no repetition is detected. The proof of security for the designed algorithm is given to show the high security level of the OTP proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm passed all NIST tests. The designed algorithm can easily resist different attacks such as linear, differential and algebraic cryptanalysis; also it resists other cryptanalysis attacks.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Nabil, Mohamed Helmy Megahed, & Mohamed Hassan Abdel Azeem. (2023). Design and Simulation of New One Time Pad (OTP) Stream Cipher Encryption Algorithm. Journal of Advanced Research in Computing and Applications, 10(1), 16–23. Retrieved from
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