Optimizing Gamification in Learning Solar System for Primary School
Gamification, game-based learning, solar systemAbstract
Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of scientific study in the world. Today, astronomy has been taught as early as in the elementary school. In this study, we narrow down from the broad area of astronomy to the solar system topic, developed a game- based learning and test it’s engagement in learning this topic. A preliminary study has found that students in primary school are facing several problems in grasping the solar system topic. High intellectual demand is one of the main factors that holding these students back to perform on this subject. They are also unable to provide a scientifically correct explanation of the concepts given in the school syllabus. The current research proposed gamification concept as an approach in teaching the students about the solar system. The game was developed using the GDLC methodology which proposed the adequate phase and criteria to be considered for the development of quality games. Several students who undergone this subject were selected to be the focus group for this research. A total of 14 items in GEQ was adapted to measure the engagement of the students towards the gameplay. The result indicates that gamification can provide engagement to the student in learning the solar system.