Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
<p><strong>Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies</strong> <strong>(ARBMS)</strong> is an international, double-blind refereed, gold open-access academic journal with the aim to foster academic research by publishing original articles in all areas of business and management. The journal encourages researchers, students, entrepreneurs and business practitioners to share their latest findings, ideas and experiences related to business and management issues.</p> <h3><strong>EVENTS UPDATE</strong></h3> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="33%"><img src="" /></td> <td width="33%"><img src="" /></td> <td width="33%"><img src="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%">Join us at the <strong>9th International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences (9th-ISFMTS2025)</strong>, hosted by Semarak Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., on 16th April 2025 at the Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. […] <a href="" rel="bookmark">Find out more</a></td> <td width="33%">Join us virtually for the <strong>Semarak International Research Innovation Symposium IV (SIRIS IV),</strong> hosted by Semarak Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., on 30th April 2025. This exciting event will bring together [...] <a href="">Find out more</a></td> <td>The primary aim of this conference is to establish itself as the premier annual gathering in the dynamic realms of Applied Science and Engineering, Advanced Technology, Applied Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, […] <a href="" rel="bookmark">Find out more</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Most cited articles (Source: <a href="">SCOPUS</a>)</strong></p> <p><a href="">The impact of tax knowledge on tax compliance case study in kota padang, Indonesia</a>, <em>Fauziati, P., Minovia, A.F., Muslim, R.Y., Nasrah, R.</em></p> <p><a href="">Conceptualizing Energy Security and the Role of Diversification as the Key Indicator Against Energy Supply Disruption</a>, <em>Tufail, M.M.B., Ibrahim, J.A., Melan, M.</em></p> <p><a href="">The impact of climate on economic growth in Malaysia,</a> <em>Rahim, S., Puay, T.G.</em></p>Akademia Baru Publishing (M) Sdn Bhden-USJournal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies2462-1935The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance of Youth Entrepreneurs within the Tshwane Municipality in South Africa
<p>The youth unemployment rate has increased at the fastest pace globally in recent times. It is estimated that there are about 88 million unemployed youth existing in the world. In the first quarter of 2023, 60.7 % of South African youth were unemployed. The youth unemployment rate in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (TMM) is 32.6 %. To reduce this trend, most young people look for alternative means of starting their businesses. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is viewed as one of such tools for the youth to start their businesses. EO can also be seen as an effective strategy to improve the business performance of the youth. The purpose of the study is to assess the role of entrepreneurial orientation as a tool to improve the business performance of the youth in TMM. The study analysed data using a quantitative research methodology. Both close-ended and Likert-scale questions were used in developing the questionnaire. An online survey was used to collect the data. A total of 160 youth entrepreneurs on the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) database who were residing in the TMM constitute the sample population. A total of 160 questionnaires were therefore sent out to the youth entrepreneurs in TMM. Out of the total, 153 responses were obtained. Out of these responses, 96 questionnaires were completed in full, while 57 questionnaires were partially completed and 7 questionnaires were uncompleted. This gave the completed questionnaire’s response rate of 60 %. The data was collected and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study showed that there was a weak correlation between EO and business performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.047. The results indicate a generally positive association of EO with business performance, which was measured in terms of innovativeness, risk-taking, pro-activeness, competitive and aggressiveness. The participants were of the view that the youth businesses in TMM are very innovative, take risks, are proactive, and are competitively aggressive. The study has unearthed the connection between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. The study recommends that entrepreneurial orientation must be encouraged among youth entrepreneurs in TMM which may aid their pro-activeness and improve business performances. The improve business performances of the youth entrepreneurs of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality would lead to their increase business success.</p>Cynthia Mawufemor Afua KumadekaThea VisserMagaret PhillipsKevin MearnsIrene Agbo
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
2024-12-252024-12-2537111410.37934/arbms.37.1.114Attitude toward of University at Public University Central Mexico
<p>The objective of the study lies in the contrasting of a theoretical model of university governance in the COVID-19 era. Given that the literature consulted warns of the impact of the pandemic on university governance, the factorial structure was confirmed. An exploratory, cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out with a sample of 180 administrators, teachers and students from a university in central Mexico, selected for their participation in the social service system and professional practices in community health institutions. Participants were contacted through their institutional email, and the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses were guaranteed. The concepts were homogenized in focus groups. The instrument was evaluated using the Delphi technique in three phases; qualifying, comparative and reiterative-reconsiderative. The University Governance Scale was applied via zoom session. The data was captured in Excel and processed in JASP. Reliability, validity, adjustment and residual coefficients were estimated for hypothesis testing. The trifactorial structure was corroborated: identity, reputation and image, although the first factor explained the highest percentage of variance and only 12 of 18 indicators correlated with its factors. The contribution of the study lies in the contrasting of the university governance model in a scenario of exposure to COVID-19, but the limit of the study lies in the non-generalization of the results to the university community.</p>Cruz García LiriosJosé Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
2024-12-252024-12-25371152210.37934/arbms.37.1.1522Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: The Moderating Effect of Trust among Fast Food Restaurant Employees
<p>There is an increasing employee turnover rate in the fast-food service industry. When organizational citizenship behavior among the employees is low, they tend to be demotivated, and their productivity will be reduced, affecting the tasks or jobs their supervisor assigns. Organizational citizenship behavior refers to the voluntary behavior exhibited by the employees while in the organization. Employees with this behavior tend to work harder as it boosts their motivation and induces passion. The study investigates the effect of organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior among the employees in fast-food restaurants in Negeri Sembilan. There are three-dimensional components of organizational commitment, namely: (1) affective commitment, (2) continuance commitment, and (3) normative commitment. Furthermore, this study also examines the role of organizational trust as a moderator of the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. This study was conducted covering various levels of employee positions in fast-food restaurants. This study's respondents are from the fast-food restaurant workers at KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Subway, and Domino in Negeri Sembilan. The study used disproportionate stratified random sampling that resulted in 181 employees, and the data was collected using a questionnaire survey. This research data has been analysed through descriptive statistics and hierarchical regression analysis. The results found affective, continuance, and normative commitment associated with organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, trust has also contributed to significant factors that have influenced the level of organizational citizenship behavior among employees. The trust moderates the relationship between affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. However, trust does not moderate the relationship between continuance and normative commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior.</p>Amirah Mohamad FuziWan Farhatun Wahida ZulkifliNurul Hidayana Mohd NoorAfief El Ashfahany
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
2024-12-252024-12-25371233810.37934/arbms.37.1.2338Analysis of Paddy Zakat Using Graphic User Interface MATLAB (A Case Study: Paddy Farm in Tumpatan Village, Deli Serdang)
<p>Paddy zakat is usually calculated manually, or at the most least with the use of a calculator. Such computations are sluggish, have a very plain look, and cannot be employed in big quantities. Even more accurate paddy zakat calculations may be made with the Graphic User Interface (GUI) of MATLAB. The rate of paddy zakat, the percentage of zakat given by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, and the price of paddy per kilogram produced in one formula are the basis for calculating paddy zakat using the GUI MATLAB. Using the GUI MATLAB, a case study of calculating rice zakat was conducted on a farm in Tumpatan Village, Deli Serdang. The data included in the case study included the size of paddy fields, the paddy production area, and the price of paddy per kilogram during the paddy harvest. The study's findings demonstrate how useful the MATLAB GUI is for calculating paddy zakat and how it can be used to present a graph of the required amount of zakat based on paddy yield. The amount of paddy zakat that a farmer must pay increases with the paddy harvest income and paddy price per kilogram.</p>Risma Linda SinagaMasyitah MasyitahSoeleman LubisMuhammad IrwantoMohd Irwan Yusoff
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
2024-12-252024-12-25371395010.37934/arbms.37.1.3950Patterns and Challenges of Food Access among Households in Baling District, Malaysia
<p>This research aims to ascertain the pattern and challenges of food access among the communities in Baling, Kedah, Malaysia. This study used descriptive analysis to investigate the degree of food security experienced by households in Baling, Kedah's rural and urban districts. The income level, the proportion of household spending on food, the kinds and amounts of social protection benefits received, the perception of income and food prices, and the coping mechanisms used are some of the potential factors that influence food security. The research findings present an understanding of food access among communities of different household income and population density. Although there are still pockets of lack in food security in Baling's urban and rural areas, the survey found that most households believe they have food security, even when their household income is low. Additionally, the economic and social indicator items indicated that certain coping mechanisms are more frequently used than others, indicating that economic and social accessibility does have some influence on the household's food choices. Thus, the Baling case of food security and accessibility summed up those aspects of physical, economic, and social access in a way that may differ from earlier research, indicating that the quality of food selection should be examined rather than the amount of food accessed.</p>Azlina Zainal AbidinNormaz Wana IsmailNitty Hirawaty KamarulzamanNur Syazwani Mazlan
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies