Analysis of Paddy Zakat Using Graphic User Interface MATLAB (A Case Study: Paddy Farm in Tumpatan Village, Deli Serdang)
Paddy field, paddy zakat, pady zakat rate, graphic user interface, MATLABAbstract
Paddy zakat is usually calculated manually, or at the most least with the use of a calculator. Such computations are sluggish, have a very plain look, and cannot be employed in big quantities. Even more accurate paddy zakat calculations may be made with the Graphic User Interface (GUI) of MATLAB. The rate of paddy zakat, the percentage of zakat given by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, and the price of paddy per kilogram produced in one formula are the basis for calculating paddy zakat using the GUI MATLAB. Using the GUI MATLAB, a case study of calculating rice zakat was conducted on a farm in Tumpatan Village, Deli Serdang. The data included in the case study included the size of paddy fields, the paddy production area, and the price of paddy per kilogram during the paddy harvest. The study's findings demonstrate how useful the MATLAB GUI is for calculating paddy zakat and how it can be used to present a graph of the required amount of zakat based on paddy yield. The amount of paddy zakat that a farmer must pay increases with the paddy harvest income and paddy price per kilogram.