Identifying Accident Factors in Developing a Systematic Guideline on Occupational Safety and Health Management
Small and Medium Industry, ISO, PDCAAbstract
The purpose of this study is to propose a guideline to improve the quality of safety management in the workplace thereby consistently able to be decreasing industrial accidents. It focuses to SME (Small and Medium Industry) organizations that don't have ISO certification due to certain constraints such as resources to have ISO certification. This study focuses on food manufacturing industries on palm oil based. The basic PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) principle was developed as a basis for this study. It uses quantitative methods on accident statistics for 5 years as key data to conduct a study. Factors that because accidents are thoroughly analysed for each incident. These data are categorized according to the 5 elements and the Human factor as the focus. However, it still analysed along with other direct factors consisting of Machines, Methods, Equipment-Tool-Materials and Workplace-Structural Environment. Then, that human factor was developed into factors related to age, work experience, working time, and gender and so on. Cross-examination to be carried out on existing safety management such as workplace inspection information, hazard observation and assessment program to identify deficiencies and weaknesses. Finally, appropriate guidelines will be proposed to improve safety management in workplace.