Level of Shareholders Activism among Malaysian Listed Companies-An Overview
Meeting, MSWG, shareholders activism, firms, MalaysiaAbstract
The shareholder’s activism attention rapidly increased over the year. Sapura Energy’ Berhad scenario an example of the shareholder’s awareness in Malaysian listed companies. Specifically, the shareholders must exercise their right to attend and vote at the general meeting under Companies Act 2016. Guided by the Outcome of the Meeting of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, a total of 184 firms was chosen for the sample of this paper. The indicators for shareholder’s activism was measured by two option (a) number of agenda of the resolution and (b) number of dissatisfaction or against the resolution. Meanwhile, MSWG acted as the pivotal bodies to safeguard the minority shareholders. From findings, even though the results show that both option did not bring any significant impact toward level of shareholders’ activism however the awareness toward shareholder’s activism rapidly increase in Malaysia. Thus, this paper critically discusses the contribution, limitation and future studies can be done to improve level of shareholder’s activism among Malaysia listed companies.