Scalar Tuning of a Fluid Solver using Compact Scheme for a Supercomputer with a Distributed Memory Architecture


  • Hikaru Aono Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, JAPAN
  • Taku Nonomura Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, JAPAN
  • Nobuyuki Iizuka Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, JAPAN 3 Central Soft Co. Ltd. JAPAN
  • Takahiko Ohsako Central Soft Co. Ltd. JAPAN
  • Tomohide Inari Technical Computing Solutions unit, Fujitsu Limited, JAPAN
  • Yasutoshi Hashimoto Technical Computing Solutions unit, Fujitsu Limited, JAPAN
  • Ryoji Takaki Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, JAPAN
  • Kozo Fujii Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, JAPAN


scalar tuning, compressible fluid solver, compact scheme, large-eddy simulation, large scale computation


The scalar tuning of a compressible fluid solver for a supercomputer with a distributed memory architecture is conducted. We use the K computer which is one of the peta-scale supercomputers recently developed in Japan. A computational code “LANS3D” and its high-order compact differencing option are tuned. The original version of the code achieves approximately 4.5% of full performance of CPU for the simple test case. Scalar tuning based on combining do-loops works well, and the tuned code attains about 10% of full performance for the same case. The reasons are the improvement in the use of the cache, the suppression of the data transfer, and the efficient use of the data that once transferred to the cache from the memory that results in hiding the low speed of data transfer. The tuned code becomes twice faster than the original one in the wall-clock time and enables us to perform over-160-case parametric study about airfoil flow computation by large-eddy simulations with high-order accurate and high resolution numerical scheme.




How to Cite

Aono, H. ., Nonomura, T. ., Iizuka, N. ., Ohsako, T. ., Inari, T. ., Hashimoto, Y. ., Takaki, R. ., & Fujii, K. . (2021). Scalar Tuning of a Fluid Solver using Compact Scheme for a Supercomputer with a Distributed Memory Architecture. CFD Letters, 5(4), 143–152. Retrieved from
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