Exploring the Application of Digital Data Management Approach for Facility Management in Shanghai’s High-rise Buildings


  • Dan Wang School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang
  • Terh Jing Khoo School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang
  • Zhangfei Kan School of Civil Engineering, Yangzhou Hospitality Institute, Yangzhou, China


Digital data management, Facility management, High-rise buildings, Shanghai


As property development and information technologies are going rapid in these few decades, information construction becomes necessarily as a management tool. It is vital to conduct research on facility management in high-rise buildings as many information technologies such as surveillance system and electrical appliances controlling are installed and applied in high rise buildings. Intensive literature review was conducted and the required information from published journals articles was abstracted to identify digital data management approaches which have been used in high-rise building’s facility management. A semi-structured interview which based on the information obtained from literature review was employed to collect data. Collected data is analyzed with the help of software Nvivo12 in the structure and function framework analysis which introduces the application effect of facility management system theory in the practical work and verify the function and value of eight key tools and software such as Computer Aided Facilities Management System, Radio Frequency Identification, Intelligent Building Management System, Intelligent Facilities Management System, Building Information Model, Wireless Sensor Technology, Mobile Intelligent Terminal and technical specification in facility management. Ultimately, a summary of the study which including eight key tools and software implementation that capable to reduce the cost of facility management in high-rise buildings are proposed which proves the necessity to promote digital data management in facility management of high-rise buildings.





How to Cite

D. Wang, T. J. Khoo, and Z. Kan, “Exploring the Application of Digital Data Management Approach for Facility Management in Shanghai’s High-rise Buildings”, Prog. Energy Environ., vol. 13, pp. 1–15, May 2020.
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