Design of Floating Platform for Marine Agricultural Microalgae


  • Teoh Yee Cien Aiden Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Wah Yen Tey Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Microalgae Cultivation, Floating Platform, Pitch and Heave Motion, ANSYS Aqwa


Microalgae is a type of microscopic organisms that are high in lipid with rapid biomass production, which is suitable to be used as biofuel for renewable energy. The aim of this study is to conceptually design a floating platform for microalgae cultivation on the sea and to determine the structural motion of floating platform subject to Malaysia wave. ANSYS Aqwa simulation was carried out to simulate the heave and pitch motion of the floating platform under Malaysia wave condition. From the ANSYS Aqwa simulation, design of the floating platform by increased the elevation angle of design, the stability of the increased from the stability of the floating platform. Cultivation of microalgae required greater movement speed in water to enhance high efficiency in biomass production. Based on the result of the simulation, the design of the floating platform which has greater elevation angle is the most suitable for cultivation of microalgae.





How to Cite

T. Y. C. Aiden and W. Y. Tey, “Design of Floating Platform for Marine Agricultural Microalgae”, Prog. Energy Environ., vol. 9, pp. 27–36, Jul. 2019.
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