Heat and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Nanofluid in A Channel Baffled Opposite to The Heated Wall
Baffled channel, Cu-water nanofluid, thermohydraulic performance, CFDAbstract
In this paper, a nanofluid-based solar collector duct equipped with baffles is examined numerically. Baffles are located on the back plate to guide nanofluid flow toward absorber plate for heat transfer enhancement purposes. Cu-water nanofluid with fixed flow rate and concentration in the baffled duct are investigated for thermohydraulic mechanisms. Baffles with different inclination angles, heights and pitches are considered in this study. Numerical simulations are performed using Ansys fluent software with verified results compared to those of an experiment in the literature. The results show that the baffle angle 60° causes the lowest thermohydraulic performance. Because in the angle range of 30 to 60° the heat transfer is less variable while the pressure loss increases sharply. At the baffle pitch of 40 mm, there is no reattachment point at the non-heated surface. At the angle of 90°, three eddies are formed around a baffle. The slope linear regression analysis yields that baffle height has the strongest effects on thermohydraulic performance followed by baffle pitch and baffle angle. Nanofluid pressure loss respectively increases with baffle height and baffle angle at the rate of 0.463675 and 0.0049607 while absorber plate temperature respectively decreases with the baffle height and baffle angle at the rate of -0.176746 and -0.001377. Flow patterns and isotherms of all the cases examined are presented and analyzed in this study.
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